Before you start

You can speak at Planning Committee if you are:

  •   an elected ward member
  •   an elected member of South Lakeland District Council, including co-optees on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (see more information on this point below).
  •   a parish/town councillor representing the views of your parish/town council
  •   an objector to a planning application
  •   a supporter to a planning application

You must give notice of your wish to speak by contacting the Committee Services team no later than 0:01am (one minute past midnight) two working days before the date of the Planning Committee.

You will need to provide:
  •   your name
  •   your address
  •   a contact phone number and an email address
  •   the planning application or agenda item number of the item to which you wish to speak

How we use your data

If you wish to know why we collect your data and how we use it, then please see our privacy notice.